Facility for the e- commerce operators through whom unregistered suppliers of goods can supply goods
GSTN has also provided APIs for ECOs (through whom unregistered persons can supply goods) to integrate with GSTN to obtain the details and facilitate the unregistered suppliers. The APIs are for validating the demographic details of the said suppliers and also for use in tracking and reporting supplies by such persons. The details of the APIs are as follows:-
a) The name of the APIs developed are :
1. Unregistered Applicants API : To get the details of Unregistered Applicant by passing the enrolment ID in the GET request
2. Unregistered Applicants Validation API: To validate the Mobile Number and Email ID of a Enrolment ID
b) The following is noteworthy for the e-Commerce operators in order to access and integrate the APIs successfully:
1. The e-Commerce operator should contact any GSP to access the above APIs as the APIs are not publically available.
2. To access these APIs Authentication Token should be obtained from the authentication API, the API specs are available at developer portal (Click here) under Public API à Authentication.
3. For accessing the public APIs the authentication token should be obtained by using the GSPs credentials.
4.The APIs specs for the two eComm APIs are available on developer portal (Click here) under Public API eComm operators.
5. The response of both APIs will be Base64 encoded, no encryption is used.
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