Writ application is rejected with a liberty to avail alternative remedy available in law. The impugned order passed by the concerned authorities of confiscation is an appealable order under section 107 of CGST Act.
Section 130 of the CGST Act, 2017 — Goods in Transit —–The applicant challenged order of confiscation issued under section 130 of the Act. The court observed that they are not inclined to entertain this writ application as the impugned order, is an appealable order under section 107 of the Act.
Held that:- The Hon’ble High Court rejected writ application with a liberty to avail alternative remedy available in law.
Writ application is rejected with a liberty to avail alternative remedy available in law. The impugned order passed by the concerned authorities of confiscation is an appealable order under section 107 of CGST Act.
Section 130 of the CGST Act, 2017 — Goods in Transit —–The applicant challenged order of confiscation issued under section 130 of the Act. The court observed that they are not inclined to entertain this writ application as the impugned order, is an appealable order under section 107 of the Act.
Held that:- The Hon’ble High Court rejected writ application with a liberty to avail alternative remedy available in law.