The present application stands disposed of as having become infructuous.
Maintainability of petition— In the instant case, the applicant states that the concerned Magistrate has passed an order, by which, the applicant has been granted default bail with certain terms and conditions including the condition to deposit certain amount and, hence, the applicant has filed challenged the said condition by filing Special Criminal Application.
Petitioner therefore, submitted that he may be permitted to withdraw this application as it has become infructuous.
Held that— In view of the above, the present application stands disposed of as having become infructuous.
The present application stands disposed of as having become infructuous.
Maintainability of petition— In the instant case, the applicant states that the concerned Magistrate has passed an order, by which, the applicant has been granted default bail with certain terms and conditions including the condition to deposit certain amount and, hence, the applicant has filed challenged the said condition by filing Special Criminal Application.
Petitioner therefore, submitted that he may be permitted to withdraw this application as it has become infructuous.
Held that— In view of the above, the present application stands disposed of as having become infructuous.