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Article Dated 30th November, 2022


Few of the case law on PENNY STOCK ISSUE in favour of assessee are given as below:

1. CIT vs. Smt. Pooja Agarwal [2017] 164 TAXLOK.COM (IT) 071 (RAJ)

Upheld the finding of the Tribunal on this issue in para 12 as under:

“12. However, counsel for the respondent has taken us to the order of CIT (A) and also to the order of Tribunal and contended that in view of the finding reached, which was done through Stock Exchange and taking into consideration the revenue transactions, the addition made was deleted by the Tribunal observing as under:– “Contention of the AR is considered. One of the main reasons for not accepting the genuineness of the transactions declared by the appellant that at the time of survey the appellant in his statement denied having made any transactions in shares. However, subsequently the facts came on record that the appellant had transacted not only in the shares which are disputed but shares of various other companies like Satyam Computers, HCL, IPCL, BPCL and Tata Tea etc. Regarding the transactions in question various details like copy of contract note regarding purchase and sale of shares of Limtex and Konark Commerce & Ind. Ltd., assessee’s account with P. K. Agarwal & Co. share broker, company’s master details from registrar of companies, Kolkata were filed. Copy of depository a/c or demat account with ALankrit Assignment Ltd., a subsidiary of NSDL was also filed which shows that the transactions were made through demat A/c. When the relevant documents are available the fact of transactions entered into cannot be denied simply on the ground that in his statement the appellant denied having made any transactions in shares. The payments and receipts are made through a/c payee cheques and the transactions are routed through Kolkata Stock Exchange. There is no evidence that the cash has gone back in appellant’s account. Prima facie the transaction which are supported by documents appear to be genuine transactions. The A.O. has discussed modus operandi in some sham transactions which were detected in the search case of B.C. Purohit Group. The A.O. has also stated in the assessment order itself while discussing the modus operandi that accommodation entries of long term capital gain were purchased as long term capital gain either was exempted from tax or wastaxable at a lower rate. As the appellant’s case is of short term capital gain, it does not exactly fall under that category of accommodation transactions. Further as per the report of DCIT, Central Circle-3 Sh. P.K. Agarwal was found to be an entry provider as stated by Sh. Pawan Purohit of B.C. Purohit and Co. group. The AR made submission before the A.O. that the fact was not correct as in the statement of Sh. Pawan Purohit there is no mention of Sh. P.K. Agarwal. It was also submitted that there was no mention of Sh. P. K. Agarwal in the order of Settlement Commission in the case of Sh. Sushil Kumar Purohit. Copy of the order of settlement commission was submitted. The A.O. has failed to counter the objections raised by the appellant during the assessment proceedings. Simply mentioning that these findings are in the appraisal report and appraisal report is made by the Investing Wing after considering all the material facts available on record does not help much. The A.O. has failed to prove through any independent inquiry or relying on some material that the transactions made by the appellant through share broker P.K. Agarwal were non-genuine or there was any adverse mention about the transaction in question in statement of Sh. Pawan Purohit. Simply because in the sham transactions bank a/c were opened with HDFC bank and the appellant has also received short term capital gain in his account with HDFC bank does not establish the transactions made by the appellant were non genuine. Considering all these facts the share transactions made through Shri P.K. Agarwal cannot be held as non-genuine. Consequently denying the claim of short term capital gain made by he appellant before the A.O. is not approved. The A.O. is therefore, directed to accept claim of short term capital gain as shown by the appellant.”

2. PCIT Vs. Smt. Krishna Devi (ITA No. 125/2020 Dated 15-01-2021) [2021] 184 TAXLOK.COM (IT) 152 (DEL) The Delhi High Court :-

Held: “On a perusal of the record, it is easily discernible that in the instant case, the AO had proceeded predominantly on the basis of the analysis of the financials of M/s Gold Line International Finvest Limited. His conclusion and findings against the Respondent are chiefly on the strength of the astounding 4849.2% jump in share prices of the aforesaid company within a span of two years, which is not supported by the financials. On an analysis of the data obtained from the websites, the AO observes that the quantum leap in the share price is not justified; the trade pattern of the aforesaid company did not move along with the Sensex; and the financials of the company did not show any reason for the extraordinary performance of its stock. We have nothing adverse to comment on the above analysis, but are concerned with the axiomatic conclusion drawn by the AO that the Respondent had entered into an agreement to convert unaccounted money by claiming fictitious LTCG, which is exempt under Section 10(38), in a pre-planned manner to evade taxes. The AO extensively relied upon the search and survey operations conducted by the Investigation Wing of the Income Tax Department in Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai and Ahmedabad on penny stocks, which sets out the modus operandi adopted in the business of ITA 125/2020 and connected matters Page 8 of 10 providing entries of bogus LTCG. However, the reliance placed on the report, without further corroboration on the basis of cogent material, does not justify his conclusion that the transaction is bogus, sham and nothing other than a racket of accommodation entries. We do notice that the AO made an attempt to delve into the question of infusion of Respondent’s unaccounted money, but he did not dig deeper. Notices issued under Sections 133(6)/131 of the Act were issued to M/s Gold Line International Finvest Limited, but nothing emerged from this effort. The payment for the shares in question was made by Sh. Salasar Trading Company. Notice was issued to this entity as well, but when the notices were returned unserved, the AO did not take the matter any further. He thereafter simply proceeded on the basis of the financials of the company to come to the conclusion that the transactions were accommodation entries, and thus, fictitious. The conclusion drawn by the AO, that there was an agreement to convert unaccounted money by taking fictitious LTCG in a pre-planned manner, is therefore entirely unsupported by any material on record. This finding is thus purely an assumption based on conjecture made by the AO. This flawed approach forms the reason for the learned ITAT to interfere with the findings of the lower tax authorities. The learned ITAT after considering the entire conspectus of case and the evidence brought on record, held that the Respondent had successfully discharged the initial onus cast upon it under the provisions of Section 68 of the Act. It is recorded that “There is no dispute that the shares of the two companies were purchased online, the payments have been made through banking channel, and the shares were dematerialized and the sales have been routed from de-mat account and the consideration has been received through banking channels.” The above noted factors, including the deficient enquiry conducted by the AO and the lack of any independent source or evidence to show that there was an agreement between the Respondent and any other party, prevailed upon the Page 9 of 10 ITAT to take a different view. Before us, Mr. Hossain has not been able to point out any evidence whatsoever to allege that money changed hands between the Respondent and the broker or any other person, or further that some person provided the entry to convert unaccounted money for getting benefit of LTCG, as alleged. In the absence of any such material that could support the case put forth by the Appellant, the additions cannot be sustained. 12. Mr. Hossain’s submissions relating to the startling spike in the share price and other factors may be enough to show circumstances that might create suspicion; however the Court has to decide an issue on the basis of evidence and proof, and not on suspicion alone. The theory of human behavior and preponderance of probabilities cannot be cited as a basis to turn a blind eye to the evidence produced by the Respondent. With regard to the claim that observations made by the CIT(A) were in conflict with the Impugned Order, we may only note that the said observations are general in nature and later in the order, the CIT(A) itself notes that the broker did not respond to the notices. Be that as it may, the CIT(A) has only approved the order of the AO, following the same reasoning, and relying upon the report of the Investigation Wing. Lastly, reliance placed by the Revenue on Suman Poddar v. ITO (supra) and Sumati Dayal v. CIT (supra) is of no assistance. Upon examining the judgment of Suman Poddar (supra) at length, we find that the decision therein was arrived at in light of the peculiar facts and circumstances demonstrated before the ITAT and the Court, such as, inter alia, lack of evidence produced by the Assessee therein to show actual sale of shares in that case. On such basis, the ITAT had returned the finding of fact against the Assessee, holding that the genuineness of share transaction was not established by him. However, this is quite different from the factual matrix at hand. Similarly, the case of Sumati Dayal v. CIT (supra) too turns on its own specific facts. The above-stated cases, thus, are of no assistance to the case sought to be canvassed by the Revenue. 13. The learned ITAT, being the last fact-finding authority, on the basis of the evidence brought on record, has rightly come to the conclusion that the lower tax authorities are not able to sustain the addition without any cogent material on record. We thus find no perversity in the Impugned Order.

3. PCIT Vs Pr. CIT vs. Parasben Kasturchand Kocharhas R/TAX APPEAL NO. 204 of 2020 [2020] 182 TAXLOK.COM (IT) 183 (GUJ)

[Gujarat High Court- Oral Order dated 17.9.2020 ]-

Dismissed the appeal filed by the Revenue by holding as under:

“1. This appeal under Section 260A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (for short ‘the Act 1961?) is at the instance of the Revenue and is directed against the order passed by the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Ahmedabad Bench dated 20-2-2020 in the ITA NO.549/AHD/2018 for the A.Y. 2014-15. The Revenue has proposed the following question of law for the consideration of this Court:- “Whether the Appellate Tribunal was right in law and on facts in deleting the addition of Rs. 9,70,468/- made on account of LTCG claimed as exempt u/s. 10(38) of the Act without appreciating the fact that the transaction was prearranged as well as sham and was carried out through penny scripts companies / paper companies?”

2. We take notice of the fact that the issue in the present appeal is whether the assessee earned long term capital gain C/TAXAP/204/2020 ORDER through transactions with bogus companies. In this regard, the finding of fact recorded by the Tribunal in paras 9, 10 and 11 reads thus:-

“9. In our considered opinion, in such case assessee cannot be held that he earned Long Term Capital gain through bogus company when he has discharged his onus by placing all the relevant details and some of the shares also remained in the account of the appellant after earning of the long term capital gain.

10. Learned A.R. contention is that no statement of the Investigation Wing was given to the assessee which has any reference against the assessee.

11. In support of its contention, learned A.R. also cited an order of Coordinate Bench in ITA NO.62/AHD/2018 in the matter of Mohan PolyfabPvt. Ltd. Vs. ITO wherein ITAT has held that A.O. should have granted an opportunity to cross examine the person on whose statement notice was issued to the assessee for bogus long term capital gain. But in this case, neither statement was supplying to the assessee nor cross examination was allowed by the learned A.O. Therefore, in our considered opinion, assessee has discharged his onus and no addition can be sustained in the hands of the assessee.”

3. Thus, the Tribunal has recorded the finding of fact that the assessee discharged his onus of establishing that the transactions were fair and transparent and further, all the relevant details with regard to such transactions were furnished before the Income Tax authorities and the Tribunal also took notice of the fact that some of the shares also remained in the account of the appellant.

4. We take notice of the fact that the assessee has a Demat Account maintained with the ICICI Securities Ltd. and has also furnished the details of such bank transactions with regard to the purchase of the shares. In the last, the Tribunal took notice of the fact that the statements recorded by the investigation wing of the Revenue with regard to the Tax entry provided were informed to the assessee despite giving him opportunity to meet such an allegation. In the overall view of the matter, we believe that the proposed question cannot be termed as a substantial question of law for the purpose of maintaining the appeal under Section 260A of the Act, 1961.

The above order of Hon’ble Gujarat High Court was challenged by the Department by filing S.L.P. and vide order dated 02.08.2021 in S.L.P. (C) No. 6782/2021 the Hon’ble Supreme Court has dismissed the petition.

4. Anupam Kapoor [2007] 108 TAXLOK.COM (IT) 211 (P&H) [Punjab and Haryana Court]

HELD: “The Tribunal on the basis of the material on record, held that purchase contract note, contract note for sates, distinctive numbers of shares purchased and sold, copy of share certificates and the quotation of shares on the date of purchase and sale were sufficient material to show that the transaction was not bogus but a genuine transaction. The purchase of shares was made on 28th April, 1993 i.e.. asst. yr. 1993-94 and that assessment was accepted by the Department and there was no challenge to the purchase of shares in that year. It was also placed before the relevant AO as well as before the Tribunal that the sale proceeds have been accounted for in the accounts of the assessee and were received through account payee cheque. The Tribunal was right in rejecting the appeal of the Revenue by holding that the assessee was simply a shareholder of the company. He had made investment in a company in which he was neither a director nor was he in control of the company. The assessee had taken shares from the market, the shares were listed and the transaction took place through a registered broker of the stock exchange. There was no material before the AO, which could have lead to a conclusion that the transaction was simplicitier a device to camouflage activities, to defraud the Revenue. No such presumption could be drawn by the AO merely on surmises and conjectures. In the absence of any cogent material in this regard, having been placed on record, the AO could not have reopened the assessment. The assessee had made an investment in a company, evidence whereof was with the AO. –Therefore, the AO could not have added income, which was rightly deleted by the CIT(A) as well as the Tribunal.

It is settled law that suspicion, howsoever strong cannot take the place of legal proof. Consequently, no question of law, much less a substantial question of law, arises for adjudication.– C. Vasantlal & Co. vs. CIT [1962] 7 TAXLOK.COM (IT) 051 (SC), M.O. Thomakutty vs. CIT [1958] 5 TAXLOK.COM (IT) 327 (KER) and Mukand Singh vs. Sales Tax Tribunal (1998) 107 STC 300 (Punjab) relied on; Umacharan Shaw & Bros. vs. CIT [1959] 5 TAXLOK.COM (IT) 514 (SC) Applied; Jaspal Singh vs. CIT [2006] 106 TAXLOK.COM (IT) 493 (P&H) distinguished”

5. DCIT Vs. Vipul Suresh Kumar Modi (ITAT Mumbai) [2022] 190 TAXLOK.COM (IT) 669 (ITAT-MUMBAI)

[Appeal Number : I.T.A. No. 540/Mum/2021 Date of Judgement/Order : 17/02/2022 Related Assessment Year : 2012-13]

HELD: No addition can be made for Transactions in Penny Stocks in respect of unabated assessments which have become final in absence of any incriminating material found during search.

6. Smt. Rachna Agarwal Vs ITO (ITAT Kolkata) [2022] 191 TAXLOK.COM (IT) 646 (ITAT-KOLKATA)

[Appeal Number : I.T.A. No. 404/Kol/2021 Date of Judgement/Order : 08/04/2022 Related Assessment Year : 2015-16]

HELD: In the present case we find that the entire addition is on the basis of some investigation report, the relevant portions of which is also not cited in the show cause or the assessment order, there is nothing against the assessee and no inquiry whatsoever has been done by the AO or the Ld CIT (A). In such circumstances the assessee having discharged her onus and nothing adverse being found against her, the addition cannot be sustained.

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